Monday, December 7, 2015

Other Thanksgiving Day Photos

Gramps with Josh and Molly
Thanksgiving in East Fairfield!

Gramps with Molly and Josh's niece and nephew.

I'm ready for the food!

Waiting patiently for all to be served.

Looks delicious, Bonne Maman!

Time for some playground!

Don cuts the pie, Don cuts the pie,
Hi Ho the de-rio, Don cuts the pie!

I think it's going to be great!

A little Santa time on Thanksgiving Day!

Aidan takes a pre-dinner hike with Lila, the dog!

Adam and Aidan by the river!

Checking out a wasps nest!

I decorated this myself!  Can't wait to eat it!

A yummy meal!

Some guy "down time" with Daddy!

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