Friday, December 25, 2015

Making Cookies!

Vermont Gingerbeef Cookies!
Moo-ry Christmas!

Years ago, brother Andrew gave Mini (Janne) a cow cookie 
cutter.  It just seemed right to make gingerbread cows 
(hence the name "Vermont Gingerbeef Cookies")
and then prepare them to hang as ornaments!

Eli and Brady help Mini make the cookies.

Paul really likes Brady wearing Bompy's 
New York Yankee's apron!!!

While Eli waits for his turn to roll and cut cookies,
he works on extracting seeds from a pomegranate!  YUM!

Ready to hit the oven!
Can you spot the one cow that is facing
the wrong way?  

Finished product!
Decorated "Gingerbeef" cookies ready to hang on the tree!
or eat!!!

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