Sunday, December 13, 2015

December 12th?

60 degrees and sunny - what???  
Outside play...
Aidan and Mini went to the park.  The giant sandbox
was fun to play in and lay in... and the sunset was beautiful.

After that, Mini accidentally dislocated my elbow when she 
swung me around.  (Don't do this, folks!) This earned me a trip to the 
ER where my elbow popped back in on it's own.  (Mini was so, so
sorry, especially because it made Mommy and Daddy miss Mommy's 
holiday party at her work.)  However, within a few hours, I was back 
home where Eli and Brady came to stay while Uncle Paul and Aunt Alyssa 
went out.  Mini played hide and seek in the dark with us (with our flashlights) 
and then took some photos!
(When Aidan got home from the hospital, we all asked 
him why he didn't have his shirt on.  He said, 
"The doctor had to scissor it off, and then Daddy threw it away!"

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