Monday, December 7, 2015

Gramp's Thanks-Mas Visit!!!

We all had a great week with Grampy Dave including Thanksgiving
and an early, or "extra" as Eli calls it, Christmas!

Wednesday, November 25th

Here comes Grampy Dave's plane!

Grampy Paul and Evan!
There's Grampy Dave's plane!

Aidan checks it out, too!
His class just took a field trip to
the airport and they went up in the
"control tower" says Aidan.

"What up!" Aunt Janne

Traditional post flight stop!
Ray's Seafood!

Just waiting for the fish!

Thursday, November 26th - Thanksgiving Day
Gramps went to Josh and Molly's

Friday, November 27th

A visit to see the "great wall" at the lake!

 Sure, I'll turn on the water!

Keeping Lindsey warm!

Looks like a "cool" cocktail party on the shore!
61 degrees but windy!  Not bad for November 26th!

Wendy and Paul

Group Photo!
Dave, Lindsey, Gramps, Janne, Paul

Saturday, November 28th - Family 
Thanksgiving/Early "Extra" Christmas Day!

Gramp's, Pam, and Dennis

John, Abbey, and Gramps!

Evan, Geoff, Gramps, and Lindsey!
It's okay Evan, it's not Santa!

Alix playing with baby basket bed (belonged to
Nanny Anne) and the diaper bag with all of the
baby supplies.

 Oh, My!

Mom and girls!!!

Jill and Gramps!

Checking out some of Eli and Brady's toys!

Evan, Aidan, and Brady

Grampy, Grammy, and Alix

Alix is ready to dig in!

So are Eli, Céline, and Brady!

Blondie playtime!

Céline joins the group!

Just waiting for the food!

 I love my cousin!

Eli shares the card he made for Gramps and the 
piece of Vermont rock.

Steph, Aidan, and Adam!

Grammy and Alix

Eli waits for Grampy Dave to open his gift!
Who's more excited?

It's a homemade pillowcase from Eli!

And a homemade pillowcase from Brady, too!
"Sweet Dreams!"
with Glow-in-the-Dark stars!

Next, Céline shares her card and gift.

Alix and Céline made candy cane bookmarks for Grampy Dave!

They also made a holiday photo for him.

Evan painted a card and wrapping paper for Grampy Dave
 and gave him a photo ornament!

Who's turn next?

No, it's not Brady's!

It's Aidan's turn.  Aidan made a wreath photo ornament for 
Grampy Dave!

Now, presents for the kids from Grampy Dave and Cindy!

Busy place!

Janne shows Gramps how she turned the baby basket
bed into a baby bed for Alix's doll.
(This basket was given to Nanny Anne and held all of
the wonderful cards she received from her many friends!)

Céline is quite happy with her "Groovy Girl" doll and chair!

Brady loves his magic set and Star Wars Legos.

Eli loves his stickers and Star Wars Legos!

Checking out the goods!

Aidan and Evan love their puzzles, blocks, and toys, too!
And everyone loves getting their Highlights, High Five
and/or Hello magazines each month!!!

Thanks, Grampy Dave and Cindy!
It was fun to celebrate Early Christmas with Grampy Dave!
We missed you Cindy!

Here's to a very Merry Christmas to you in Florida!

Saturday, November 29th

After church in Huntington, we stopped at 
Adam, Steph, and Aidan's house.  Then we went
back to Becky and Dave's for lunch (yummy
leftover turkey).  Yes, it was snowing!  

Monday, November 30th
Quiet Day in Brandon

Coffee in the "Lucky" mug!
Maybe we'll get dressed today...or maybe not!

Tuesday, December 1st

We traveled to Hinesburg Elementary School 
to see Brady's class perform 
King Midas after their study of
Greece and Greek Myths!

Brady - far right

After the performance, we all headed over to Papa Nick's
for dinner.  Their "hot turkey sandwich" is the best!
Turkey, did someone say Turkey?

Wednesday, December 2nd

Another Quiet Day - then dinner at Becky and Dave's
Time to pack up to go home to Florida - and Cindy and Maggie!

Thursday, December 3rd

Allegiant Air - Gramps is on board!
We had a fun week with you, Gramps!

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