Sunday, July 26, 2015

News From Abroad: Chapter 15

We drove into Brussels to go to the Comic Strip Museum. 
Didn't get a chance to do anything else in Brussels!

Photo: Courtesy of Céline!

Still hasn't lost those two wiggly teeth!

One of the comic strip characters!

Checking it out!

Lots of Schtroumpfs (Smurfs)

Having fun with the crazy mirrors!
(Is that you, Justin? in the blue?)

Posing with a smurf!


Ferrari Hat

We went to Bon-Secours where there is a museum on the park/forest near by. 
There was a cool looking elevated tree walk in the picture, which ended up 
not being nearly as cool as we though because it only went about 300 feet
 into the woods. We went to a small dinosaur museum after though which was 
neat, especially since they had a great playground outside.

Ready for a hike!

The entrance to the elevated forest walk!

"Let's Go!  Oh wait, the end is just around
the corner!"  :-(

View from above!

Basilique de Bon-Secours

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