Friday, July 17, 2015

News From Abroad: Chapter 12

We decided to take a scenic route from Carcassonne to Barcelona 
along the Mediterranean coast, which was absolutely stunning. 
The road was super windy and went through little towns sitting 
on the hills down to the sea, with amazing views. We ended up eating 
lunch in the last town in France before crossing over to Spain. Getting 
to the place we were staying in Barcelona and parking was a bit of a 
challenge, but Jill's relatives were a big help. We went over to Mari-Cruz 
and Kike's place for dinner and the girls met their 2nd cousins, they had a lot 
of fun! We had a great dinner and a fun time with the family, late night though!

View of Carcassonne from breakfast!

Friend at breakfast!

Mediterranean Sea! 

Our lunch stop!

Cool road we took into town!

Windy back roads on the hills!

Beautiful Med!

Road trip girl 1 

Road trip girl 2

Made it to Barcelona!  Welcome to Spain!
Let's play football!

Biel vs. Armand

Hanging with the family!

C is ready to take on Biel!

Going for the goal!

Kike is the chef!

View from Kike and Mari-Cruz's patio!

Playing games!


Cousins having dinner!

The family!


Biel is tired!

So sweet!

Late night elevator to head home!

We spent the day doing some site seeing with the family 
as tour guides. Saw lots of interesting buildings, including 
ancient Roman wall on the middle of a clothing store! We had 
dinner at Francoise and Armand's apartment, the girls had fun 
exploring all of the toys and playing with Enric and Biel! Another late night, 
the Spanish schedule runs a bit later!

Barcelona buildings!

More buildings!

Ancient Roman Columns!


Cousins on the metro!

Dinner at Francoise and Armand's house!

Construction project!


Masked Biel!


Dancing to Katalan Rap music!

Kike and Justin

Mari-Cruz and Kike


Looks like Biel's in trouble!

We went to the Barcelona Aquarium today, which the girls really liked. 
They especially liked the walk way that went right through the big 
tank where the sharks and other fish swim right over top of you, 
very cool! We went to a pizza place for dinner. Back on the road tomorrow!


They labeled the fish.  This one is a Rare Breast, but we saw
one in the aquarium!

Riding the frog!


Being eaten!

McDonald's pizza that Biel ordered.  Looks appetizing! Yes!
French fries, hot dog, with ketchup drizzled on it!

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