Tuesday, July 7, 2015

News From Abroad: Chapter 10

We went to the Musée des 24 Heures du Mans (museum for the Le Mans 24 hour race). 
Had a quick trip through the museum, saw some cool cars. We ate lunch at a near 
by restaurant that is actually inside the circuit. Hung out at the house while 
Alix had a nap, then went in to town for dinner and more site seeing. Ate at a
 creperie that was on a sloped road, ate out side at a table that was very slanted. 
Nothing fell off besides a fork though! They had very good home made ice cream there! 
Walked some more around the old town, found some very cool old roads, buildings, 
and alleys! Off to Bordeaux tomorrow!

At the museum for the Le Mans 24th race!


Old Bentley

Porsche GT1

Lovely Morgan in the parking lot.

Our residence while in Le Mans.  Jill's host father's house.

Dinner in Old Town, eating a bit on a hill.  (This picture was
taken flat.)


Homemade Ice Cream

Pretty Garden in the Old Town


Bell Tower

Lovely Old Streets

Cool Alleys

View from the top of the Roman Wall.

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