Saturday, July 18, 2015

Dad's (Grampy Dave's) Week at the Lake!

What a fabulous time we had!
Dinner at Friendly's

Best Sailing Day Ever!
Gidon let Gramps take the helm!

Dave and Howard insisted on putting in the raft!
It all worked out!

Saturday and Sunday visitors!

Molly rides in style!

Favorite relaxing spot!

Big Beach Fire!

Enjoying the fire!

Beach fire from the water's edge!

Brady found the piece that Mini was hunting for!

High Five to Brady!  He found the piece Mini couldn't find!

Puzzle Number 1

Sharing the big table!

Grand Isle Lake House Concert!

Grumpy Old Men!!!

As previously stated:  Favorite relaxing spot!

Dinner at McKee's


Supervising the stone work!

Sunrise!  5:22 AM

Thanks, Cindy!  The kids still love their chairs!

Ineke and Anuke pay a visit!

Puzzle Number 2 

Nutmeg was on the dock and wanted to be in the boat with Becky!

Aidan watching Grampy Dave's plane getting ready for take off!

"Bye, Grampy Dave!  Sure was fun having you!!!"

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