Friday, June 26, 2015

News From Abroad: Chapter 1

We left Burlington about 2pm on Thursday, then left Newark 
at 6pm that evening. Had dinner on the plane, watched a little TV, 
then slept on the overnight flight to Brussels (Mama and Papa 
didn't sleep much). Made it to Brussels about 7am and arrived at the 
place we are staying around 11am. Hung out for the afternoon, 
with Jill's family stopping to visit in the evening. Everyone was glad to get to bed!

Getting ready to depart from BVT 
Yellow shirts help keep family together!
Happy trails, Justin, Jill, Céline, and Alix!

Got to stay safe!

Enjoying the ride!

Shopping the Sky Mall Magazine!

Snooze time with Buddy Karl as a pillow! 

Home for the summer!

Our farm!

Céline's hoping this is her room!  It's pretty cool!

Céline making friends with a couple of the neighbor kids!

Hey Boys!

Some of the interesting buildings in town!

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