Sunday, June 7, 2015

Cousin's Hike!

Céline, Aidan, and Alix hiked down by the river!
First, Alix had to try out Aidan's Flintstone mobile!

Sitting on the big log seat!

A brief carry and then it was running the rest of 
the way, trying to keep up with speedy Céline!

Standing in the crotch of the BIG tree!

 Alix and Papa at the BIG tree!

Photographer Justin!
Alix gets a high five (or low five) from Adam!

Adam and Céline!

Céline read this sign to us!
Céline, do you remember what "prohibited" means?

We looked at this map and found where we were hiking!  
Muddy Brook Park
Then Céline found where she and Papa had hiked before!
Old Mill Park!

Standing and walking the rails was fun!


Alix liked tracing the carved letters!

An after-hike picnic by the river.

 It was a fun hike and a very nice day!

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