Monday, June 29, 2015

News From Abroad: Chapter 4

I was a little preemptive last night, ended up taking a late evening walk with 
the youngest. Took some pictures of the lovely sunset, the sun doesn't set until 
10pm and it is light past 11pm. Today was the first day Justin worked, so not as 
many pictures today. We went to see a nearby chateau this morning, the first 
we have visited so far! It has a moat! Went to our first restaurant for lunch, 
very good food, nice place and everyone behaved very well. Jill and the girls went 
on a long walk this afternoon, the girls are still adjusting to the time zone 
(it's nearly midnight and the little one is still up...).

Sunday night sunset!

Someone was curious about what we were taking a picture of.

My evening walking partner. The sun doesn't 
set until 10 PM, it is light past 11.

Another curious onlooker from our evening hike.

Our very first chateau, close by, and it has a moat.

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