Friday, September 30, 2016

Justin does Business in Aussie Land

I traveled to Darwin, Northern Territory (NT), Australia, for work. Darwin 
is pretty much at the northern most point of Australia, they call the area the Top End. 
The weather is tropical, it was around 90F and humid the whole time we were there. 
NT has about 250K people in an area nearly the size of Alaska, so most of NT is very 
remote! There are apparently about the same number of crocodiles as there are people!

View over SW USA

14 hours on Trans-Pacific flight to Australia!

My Hotel in Darwin

Ocean view apartments

WWII Monument for the US Peary - sunk in Darwin Harbor
by the Japanese in an attack after Pearl Harbor.

Jungle walk down to the beach.

Which way to go???

Darwin Harbor

High Tide

Waterfront Convention Center

 Yum!  A nice variety!

I opted for the Roo Burger by the beach!

Didgeridoo Man!

Automatic Pancake Maker!

 Over 15 foot long Croc at the Reptile Zoo!

Relaxing Iguana!

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