Wednesday, August 12, 2015

News From Abroad: Chapter 19

We spent the morning walking around the fortified old fort and city of 
Luxembourg, which was very cool. After lunch we drove back to Belgium in time 
for dinner at Nadette's cousin Pascal's house, with lots of family!

Lots of banks here!   You can tell by the cars!

Very anxious to see the city!

The fortified cliff walls.  That's where we're heading!

High above!

Bridge over the river!

Cool bridge!

Big cliffs with these amazing fortifications!

Looking over the house tops!

The explorer!

Looking out on the city!

In the fortified tunnels in the cliffs!

Lots of cool views!

Cannon pose!

Alix decided she needed to pose as well!

Where are we going now?

Ohhh!  Spooky tunnels!

More views!

View from the ramparts!

The Duke's Palace!

Hanging out, waiting for lunch!

Back in Belgium!  Dinnertime with the family!

Dinner at Pascal's


Off to play!

Getting the grill going!

More visiting on the deck!

Visiting with Tante Nellie

Hanging out with cousin Sophie!

Off for a golf demo!

Pile on Papa!

Golf demo with an apple???

Reading to Sophie!

Papa and his little girl!

We spent the day at an animal and amusement park 
outside of Luxembourg City. 
Lots of very cool playgrounds, animals, and some rides!

Over the bridge!

A little deer (dear)!

And another!

There's the Maman!

Long slide!

Alix was into the playground as well!

Sitting on a GIANT!!!

Interesting statue!

Sponsored playground!

I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know
when I'll be back again!!!

Found a nice little seat!

Why didn't we have playgrounds like this when I was growing up?

Luxembourg 139


What is she watching?

Big Sis learning to drive!

Little Racer!


Don't let her by!

Alix wanted to drive, too!

Love the duck!

Rabbit House!

Bath time! toga party!


There was a little train!

On the train!

Found a cool bench!

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