Friday, August 7, 2015

News From Abroad: Chapter 18

This afternoon we went to see the Chateau in Beloeil, it was a beautiful day. 
Then we went over to Isabelle and Vincent's house for dinner, where Céline 
got to meet another Céline, this one closer to her age! The girls had a great 
time, Céline has a new friend in Belgium!

Beloeil Castle


Swan in the moat.  They sold stale rolls to feed to the fish, 
but the swan enjoyed them as well!

Front view of the chateau!

Overlooking the basin in front of the chateau!

Old Clock!

Céline's new bedroom!

Lots of old artwork and tapestries!


What a library!

Huge ceramic thing!

Sitting room.

The Chateau!

View over the water!

We took a little train ride around the gardens.  This is 
the view from the other side of the water.

Earlier this week we went to a store and found some
Legos.   Been busy constructing since!

Papa has been having fun as well!

The Lego engineer!

Even includes a baguette!

Céline and Céline

Having fun on the play yard.

Fancois and Céline

Visiting with Isabelle, Oliver, Oncle George and Tante Ginette.

One of the pet rabbits goes out on a leash and likes to sit
in his water dish!

The chefs - Francois and Oliver

Learning to use a racket with Oncle George

Pretty Sky


New Friends


The Family

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