Sunday, February 1, 2015

Stephanie's Birthday Party!

Happy Birthday Stephanie!

 Angels Among Us

It is
Ordinary People 
Who make ALL the difference. 
A First Responder, 
a Nurse, 
an ER Doc, 
and all the others on the team – 
working together 
Save the Precious Life 
of a 2-year-old’s 
On Christmas Eve. 
A present 
All reckoning. 
It is 
the Ordinary Moments - 
a kind word 
a reassuring touch 
a warm-hearted hug 
a helping hand - 
the loving connection 
of Ordinary People 
that make 
this Human Life
Worth Living 
With Deepest Gratitude to: 
UVM Rescue 
UVM Medical Center staff 
From: The extended family & friends of 
Stephanie Giles 
Written by Pamela A. Rodriguez 12/27/2014
 Pre-Party Visiting!

Cousins' "Selfie!"

"Is the food that bad, Paul?"

Sitting Room Only

Rose between two thorns? or
Thorn between two roses?  You decide!

"I can't believe I ate the whole thing!"

Real Men???

Justin helps out with the Lego crew!

 Grampy Paul and Evan!  Buddies!

Party Animals!

"I just love parties!"

Eli works on crafts!

Brady and Céline join in!

While in the other room...
"All the girls like me!"

 Everyone on top of Brady!!!

"Here I come!" says Aidan.

Alix loves her teeny, tiny cup!

Neat Eater!

Not So Neat Eater!
But Delicious Food!

Love Buddies

There really are six great-grandchildren in this photo!

Eli cuts and serves the cake!  Brady serves up the ice cream.
Everyone got a "fair" portion!  Right Dave?

Birthday Girl!

Grampy and Alix

It was a good party!
Sorry you had to be sick and miss it Adam!

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