Thursday, February 19, 2015

Brady's Rainforest Presentation!

Brady researched the capybara - the world's largest rodent.
He made this stuffed capybara.  It is 1/4 the size of a real
capybara.  Brady picked out the fabric, thread, stuffing, googly eyes, 
and felt for the toenails and nose.  He drew the pattern and then cut 
and sewed (using Mini's sewing machine) the pieces together, stuffed 
the capybara and glue gunned the eyes, nose, and toenails on.  
To learn more about the capybara go here.

Brady shares his Cabybara Power Point!

Brady shares his map showing where capybaras live!

Brady's capybara poster!

Getting ready!

Brady's entire class!

Sometimes Brady likes to help direct!
"Hey guys, we're on!"

"Remember, we go this way!"

"Hey where are you going?"

After the show - on the risers!

Sharing cabybara facts with Aidan.

Then Mom said, "Smile, Aidan!"

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