Sunday, September 28, 2014

Summer Day? at the Lake 9-28-14

First, Eli and Brady made a submarine!
A piece of driftwood and some shale tied
up with rope.  They tied the other end of
the rope to the dock.  Then they threw
the submarine into the lake.  

They assigned themselves the task of "sinking the sub." 
They were using rocks in hopes of making "direct hits."

Next, they went on a beach walk.  Brady found the biggest piece
of beach glass - winner of the day!  Then Eli and Brady found a 
little "tidal pool" as they referred to it - (not often found on a lake in VT) 
and Brady spotted a crayfish.  It dove under some rocks, but soon 
Eli located it.  

After lots of exploring in the water and
checking under some of the rocks, the boys had collected lots of 
samples to examine and identify. There were several midge larvae 
which Brady said, "were like break dancers!"  They were too 
small and too hard to capture in a photo.  

They found a water penny.
It was about the size of an adult pinky fingernail.
Water pennies found in a lakes or other body of waters
are often an indicator of good water quality.

Crayfish and Snail

Snail on rock.

Brady and Eli set to sketching the lake animals.  
This would help them identify some of the ones
they didn't know.

Eli's sketch!  Can you find the snail? the worm? the 
water penny?  the midge?  the crayfish?

Beach walk or rock climbing?

 Of course they are heading to "Pirates Cove."

 Yup, that's Brady with a "peg leg."

The boys call this rock creation "Cujo" the dog.
Can you see the body, legs, head, and ear?  
Cujo is resting his head on a rock pillow near 
his tennis ball!

Bompi reading the book Carol and John sent,
The Forest has Eyes by Bev Doolittle
They loved seeking out the "hidden" pictures within
the illustrations.

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