Saturday, September 6, 2014

Cape Cod

Taking off!  Almost literally!
There is a car somewhere under there!

The Cape Cod House!

Heading to the spit!

Eli and Brady make a Merman!

Brady doing the floppy fish!

Cape Cod Museum of Natural History - Mudflat Mania!

Early morning beach walk!

Annual ride on the Hyannis Carousel.

Making it to the end of the jetty was a challenge!
Brady and Uncle Addy did it!  Slippery!!!

Rock Face!

Eli's Beach Museum!

 Lots of Horseshoe Crab Molts made it into the museum!

Daily morning duck feeding!

And tree climbing...

Children's Museum is fun!

Waiting patiently for a turn to drive!


 The submarine is awesome!

 Always a puzzle going!

Delicious blueberries!

Favorite Ice Cream Spot!

Amazing Cones!

 Trying to choose a flavor??? 

Popping "Poppers" on stage at the Poppy Market!

Paul's beautious "jingle shell "toenails!  No polish needed!

The coolest labyrinth!  .2 miles long.

Dining out!  Yes, we let Paul have all the hot  dogs
and fries he wanted!  Eat up, big boy!
After all, you are an "IRON MAN!"

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