Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Merry Day!

Liza, Pam, and Gramps!

Andrew and Lindsey

Eli and Gramps.  E loved his gift card to the pet shop.
More fish - anyone?

Checking out gifts with Aunt Becky!

Big Evan hug!

Andrew loved the Paw Patrol vehicles from Gramps. 
They were a shared gift with Evan, but Andrew scarfed 
up the entire six vehicles and took them to another room...
Probably payback after Evan changed one of their shared 
packages at home from reading "To: Evan and Andrew" to  
say "To Evan and Evan."  This was after Evan skillfully 
scratched out Andrew's name and replaced it with his own...
He was "busted!!!" Maybe it was the writing - but you can't say the kid ain't thinkin'!

Céline and Gramps share a moment!

Big Grampy hug from Alix!

Brady and Gramps confer!

Uncle Josh getting an intro to Fortnight!

Evan and Andrew play Fortnight with Brady!  
Andrew used the "placebo" control, but by the
look on his face, he thought he had everything 
under control!!!

Calm, Cool, and Collected Cousins!

Gramps new cat!  "Oreo" or "Big Poppy!"
Big Poppy purrs, meows, licks his paw, blinks, rolls 
onto his back...and generally just begs for attention!


Some of the gang!

Team "Mother and Daughter!"

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