Sunday, November 13, 2016

Evan Responds!

Evan responded to this "Toddler Test!"
No coaching, just asking!

                                                  1. What is your name? Evan 

                                                  2. How old are you? 2

                                                  3. What is your birthday? Poop

                                                  4. How old is Mom? Cock (clock)
                                                  5. How old is Dad? Fishing pole
                                                  6. What is your favorite color? White 
                                                  7. What is your favorite food? Popcorn 
                                                  8. Who is your best friend? Isaiah Heather MG
                                                  9. What is your favorite TV show? Big TV - Troll movie
                                                 10. What is your favorite movie? Troll movie
                                                 11. What is your favorite song? Let it go
                                                 12. What is your favorite animal? Cat
                                                 13. What are you scared of? Trolls
                                                 14. What makes you happy? Songs
                                                 15. Where is your favorite place to go? Troll movie
                                                 16. What do you want to be when you grow up? Pop
                                                 17. What does love mean? Me

Guess you can tell we went to see Trolls today 
See evidence below.
Evan's First Movie - "Trolls"
He watched the entire movie!

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