Thursday, June 16, 2016

Field Trip # 3

Vermont Military Museum
This is a really well done museum!
Brady can't wait to go back.  He said, "I'll
definitely be back here!"

The outside of the Merci Train.
This section of the building was actually built
specifically to house this train.  Evidently, people 
travel all over to visit Merci Trains and according
to one lady, this is the only one where you can see
 and actually go inside.  It's pretty neat.

Inside the train.

Model Tanks

Eli telling the men that he found to two "lost Snoopys."
They told the boys that if they found the two lost Snoopys,
to let them know and there would be reward (prize)!
They did it.  

This fellow built this model of the gunboat Philadelphia
that was sunk in the Battle of Valcour Island.  The original 
gunboat was raised in 1935 and resides in the Smithsonian. 

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