Sunday, November 1, 2015

And More Halloween!

Justin's batch of Pics with Captions!
Happy Halloween! We went on the Halloween Express from 
Burlington to Shelburne and back, then over to Hinesburg for trick-or-treating.

This place is haunted!

Getting on the train!

Are you ready?

Let's go!

Nice view!

Nice to see the lake.

The Flash and Tiger were in our car!

Contemplative Ghost!

Checking out the scenery!


Track equipment!

On to a project!

Ladybugs like juice and projects, too!


What's in the bag?

Sticker on the nose.


Tagging along on Champ's tail!

The train!

Over to the cousin's house!

Haunted Hinesburg!

Warning sign!

Cousin affection!

More cousin affection!

Stormtrooper, ghost, and ladybug!

Clowning around with Joanne!

The look!

The candy inspector is inspecting!

Very serious counting!

Brado and Aido!

Eli is proud of his loot!

Alix is dancing the night away!

Aidan and Dad!

Sweet hat!

Grammie and Alix!

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