Monday, November 23, 2015

Céline's Teeny Tiny Scene

Away in a Manger...

Céline used teeny tiny Nativity figures that Nanny Anne had once
used in some Christmas ornaments and she created her own
teeny tiny Nativity scene. 

Sunday, November 22, 2015

First Movie for Aidan!

Aidan joins his cousins and friends for his first 
movie experience.
Go, Charlie Brown!

Evan Hikes with Friends!

Niquette Bay is a great place to hike with a buddy!

You can always play in the water, too!

Mr. Movember and Family!

The hay bales in the field!

Hopping hay bales!

How Much is that Doggie in the Santa Sleigh "La, la, la!"

Maggie's taking over Santa's job this year, evidently!
She does look a little laid-back though!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Another OBG! Oldie But Goodie!

One of Gramp's buddies!  Center Front!
Old Neighbor!  Can you guess who it is?

HINT:  "I wonder what the ___?____ are up to?"
"I wonder who's visiting the ______?_____!"


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Another Blast From the Past!

 DDC II is in there somewhere!!!

News Article with excerpt from letter sent home to DDC's parents.

 Who's this cutie?
Oh! It's DDC II!


Grandmother Alice Louise Margaret Conner Cozzens center front?

House that Grandfather Augustus Waldo Cozzens was born in!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Gramps Honor Flight Photos

Thanks to Milt (Gramp's guardian)
for the fabulous photos!

Who would have thought that this young man would 
one day visit the WW II Memorial?