Once upon a time a little girl went to the Ben Franklin Store
with her mom. She was thrilled to see a three foot doll high up on
a shelf.
"Mom, mom, that's what I want for my birthday (which was only
a week away)!!! I've always wanted a sister!!!"
Some days later, the little girl happened by Ben Franklin only to
notice the doll was GONE! Tears, tears, and more tears because the
very thing the girl wanted most was no longer a possibility!
"Someone bought my doll!"
However, on birthday morning the girl's father told her he
needed something from his tool bench in the garage. The girl,
though still sad, wanted to please her father so went to the garage
to retrieve the tool. Imagine her surprise when standing atop her
father's workbench was the very doll!!!
The BEST birthday ever!
Later, upon request, the girl's mother took the girl and her doll on a
shopping trip to a clothing store to buy a bathing suit and then to a shoe
store (where her feet were measured for the proper shoe size) to buy
sneakers so the doll could go to the beach!
At The Beach!
Yikes! Scary!
Guess I was desperate for a sister!
I even got my hair cut like hers!
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