Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day at Dave's Waterfront Haven!

Aidan arrives - nap time interrupted!  But that's okay -
he's at Dave's Waterfront Haven!

The new "Oasis Island" at Dave's!

After being tube tossed around the lake!

  We love the food at Dave's Waterfront Haven!

Baby Evan's first party at Dave's!
Now he can't wait to meet Grampy Dave up at the lake!

Yep!  That's Aunt Becky holding - What? - a baby?
Could it be?  How odd!
Alyssa says, "If you really want to torture Aunt Becky,
just bring out a baby - and then DON'T let her hold it!"

Eli likes croquette!

A friendly "horse shoe" competition at Dave's Waterfront Haven! 
where the old guys beat the young guys!  :-)

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