Thursday, August 8, 2013

Cape Cod

 Time for the Ice Cream Boat!
Aidan gets in on the action!

 1950"s photo?

Very large hermit "Hermi" crab!

 Bike to see the ducks at the saltwater pond.
Feeding the ducks!

 Low tide mud flats are best for checking out sea creatures!
Eli was determined to capture lots of sidewinders!

 Popponesset Spit is a protected reserve.  
Terns nest in in the fragile dune grass.

 Early morn on the spit!
 Riding the carousel at the mall!  An annual event!
Aidan's first time!

Breakfast at the cottage!

Fun at the rec park!

Tub time!
The outdoor shower is the best though!
Some serious marine biologists!

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