Thursday, August 16, 2018

Two Country Andy!

In the United States but...

he really wanted to go to Canada when he was here!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Andy's Week

 Beautiful Sail!

Gramps and his four young'uns!
Andy, Dave, Gramps, Janne, Paul

 Great Grampy Dave and the 7 Greats!!!
Eli (9), Brady (12), Andrew (2), Grampy Dave (91),
Evan (4), Alix (5), CĂ©line (9), Aidan (6)

 Howard, Andy, and Gramps out on a walk!

Gramps giving some good advice to some very good listeners!

Gramps and Andy observing a feisty game of 
ladder ball between Dave and Howard!

Fishing for the big one!  The one that kept getting away!
Probably a 20 inch Bass according to Dave and then Paul L.

A 12 inch Bass caught by Brady?

17 1/2 inch Bass caught by Eli!

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Who's the Boss?

Brady, Dave, or Paul?

Brady's 18 1/2 inch Bass!

Dave's 17 1/2 inch Bass

 ...or Paul's ??? whatever!!!

Trying Out a Laugh or Two!

 Dad Reading Jokes from Reader's Digest!

Dad and daughter after driving across some railroad tracks. 
Dad:  I can tell a train just went by.
Daughter:  How can you tell?
Dad: It left tracks!!!

Just Some Pics!

Race For Sundaes?

Going for a ride!  Barb, too.
Barb is a family friend from Essex Jct. days!

Mt. Philo Trip

Buddies: Bill, Harold, Rob, and John

Dave and Dave



Pics from the barbecue hosted by The Gazebo for 
the residents and their families!  It was delicious and fun!

Getting Set!

Complete with a band playing just the right 
background music!

Starting to find seats!  All "walkers" parked outside!

 Howard, Janne, Barb (Dad's neighbor), Paul, Gramps (Dad),
Dave, Josh, Roberta (Becky's sister), and Becky

Howard, Janne, Dave, Gramps, Becky, Roberta, Josh, and Paul

Gramps (Dad), Josh, Roberta, Becky, Dave, Howard, 
Janne, Barb

Father and Son Chat!