Sunday, April 29, 2018

Josh's New Neighbor!

Yup!  Josh got this great shot of this big bobcat!  Pretty good size! 

Gramps and Friends

Meeting friends outside on a "Finally" sunny day!
Ernest, Gramps, Bill, and John!

Who's winning???

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

A Blast from the Past!

Who are these youngsters?
My guess is the late 80's or maybe 1990?
As Gramps said, "That's one of those where I set the timer 
and then ran up the stairs to get into the photo.  It was
one of the times when everyone didn't turn around!"

A few of Great-Grampy Dave and His Guests!

Andrew loves to visit Grampy Dave!  Notice the treats in 
Andrew's hands!  Gramps didn't realize he was going to
be in the photo!!!

Aidan found a rock that looked like a shark tooth.  He was showing
it to Grampy Dave.