Friday, March 3, 2017

Also - Ahhhh! Warm Weather!

Hanging together at the airport!

Looking out the window of the airplane!

Helping each other out!

Could it be Legoland?

Ahhhh! Warm Weather!

Orlando Lubbers!

Girls Chillin' Out!

Three out of four generations.

Lunch with Gramps and Cindy!

Cool ride, Jane, Evan and chauffeur Cindy!

Picking oranges with gramps!

At the Square with Gramps!

Evan met a girl!  He didn't hesitate to ask her to dance!
"Here's how you do it!"

Click on this ink to see Evan and 
his "main squeeze" in motion!

Adults have some fun, too!

Looks cozy!

Water Fun!

Different kind of water fun!

 Auntie Abbey plays in the sand with us!

"Time for my Yoga!"
Dog Down!

Cool coffee table fort!

Nappin' poolside style with Mama!

How do you like my "Toof?"

Our Vermont friends are here!!!

"Some date he is!"

 Still asleep?

...And still asleep!!!

Sea World!

Trip to Doctor for squished finger!

"See my new finger?"

Not ready to be home yet!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

When I grow up I wanna be a ...

Aidan went into his bedroom, shut his door and
told Mini not to come in.  Then he popped out
"Tada!  This is my policeman outfit I made up.  You
can tell it's a police outfit because it is blue!"

Winter Hike to Old Blast Furnace - no snow!

We hiked to the Forestdale Iron Blast Furnace.
Click link below to read more about the furnace.
One of the oldest and best preserved iron blast furnaces in Vermont.
Slag of differing colors can be found around the furnace.

Howard, Stephanie, Janne, Adam, Brady on road.
 Aidan, Eli, and Alyssa behind trees.