Tuesday, September 29, 2015

A Little More Lake and Great Wall!

I Spy... a winter tree silhouette!

I Spy...the biggest piece of beach glass ever...
found October 2014, by Larry!   It spans 5 inches!

The moon comes over the mountain...

Little Cabin in the Woods and More!

Cousins take a swing!

Checking something out!

Eli helping out!

New cabin looking good!

Awesome view!

Old cabin needs some work!
Aidan gets right to work sweeping!

Visit to the Christmas Tree stand where everyone tries to
find a tree the same as their height!

Aidan found one his height and then ran to
this little tree, squatted down next to it and said,
"I found another one!"  Trickster!

Eli and Céline compare heights!
Camel's Hump looms in the background!

Hanging by the garden railway!

Brady's dragonfly!

Yummy carrot from Aunt Becky's garden!

Gramps Honor Flight Group Photo at the WWII Memorial

Justin's Lunar Eclipse Photos



Blood Moon 

Full Eclipse!
Starry, Starry Night!

School Days!

Activity after apple orchard field trip!

Eli's First Grade School Picture!

Brady's fourth grade picture!

Evan's First Wedding!

First you go to the beach with a friend!

...and your mom!

...and dad joins you!

You play at a playground...

Then you go to a scary cemetery!

...and finally...
you head to the wedding in a limo!

Aunt Abbey and John are my seatbelt in the limo!

Handsome ring bearer ready to go!

Just passing time...

What? It's time to go?

Let's get out there!

Phew!  Made it just in time!

The happy couple!

 Just me and my mom and dad!
The Fam!

Me, hanging out with Aunt Abbey and John!

Aunt Abbey and John!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Way to Celebrate End of Summer!

One of the last days of summer, beautiful day! We spent 
the morning with Adam, Steph, and Aidan at the Shelburne 
Farms Harvest Fest. Then we went to the NSRA Nationals at 
the Essex fairgrounds for a little bit in the afternoon.

My Girls!

Céline on the hay bale maze!

Aidan Climbing!

Miss Smiley!

Playing in a mini barn!

Someone needs to work around this place!

Watch out for the chicken!

Steph, Aidan, and Adam

Blondie cousins!  Just missing Evan!

Happy at lunch!

Yummy Apple!

It's only half the size of my head!

Where's Waldo?  I mean Where's Céline, Alix, and Aidan?
photo credit - https://www.facebook.com/ShelburneFarms/photos/gm.

Car Show - and this is just the parking lot!

Interesting colors this year!

I see you!

Lucky girl, got to drive!

Alix's hot ride!

Quite the interior!

Best Car in Show - As voted by Céline andAlix!