Sunday, November 30, 2014


Grammy and Grampy treated Céline to an
evening out at the Flynn!  The Nutcracker was 
a hit!

Andy's Photos for February Photo Show

Andy shot these pics and they have been selected to be on 
display at a photography show this coming February.  

Motocross racer!

This eagle had just caught the fish - on the Mississippi River.

Quad City Air Show!

The finish of the Snake Alley Criterium!

Sunshine, Snow, & Skiing!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Cousins in new Jammies!

Evan and the Girls!

Aunty Abbey and Mommy!

Evan Gets His First Christmas Tree!

A beautiful VT day to select a Christmas Tree!
"But I can't move!"


Cool Potatoes!

A friend at school cut into her potato and this is what it looked like!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Hay Bales and Good Friends!

Always good to have a few hay bales in your backyard!
Eli, Brady, and neighbor friends Kate and Danica!

or perform on!

Campion Gang!

Fam in the Snow!

More snow fun!

First golf course sledding of the season!

The Great-grand Girls!

Big Sis reads to Little Sis!

Busy in the kitchen!

Thanksgiving Snow!

Céline's little snowman!

Piled on one little leaf!

Nose Snow!

Snowflake Bentley has competition with Justin!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Busy Boy!

Busy Boy at the Gym

And on the trampoline!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

My Mother's Eyes!

The Cool Kid Just Showed Up!

  See what I mean?

Fun in the Field!

 Snow on the field and hay bales!

Two days later, ice!

Nice ice sheet!

Hay bales with friends!

Monday, November 10, 2014