Thursday, October 31, 2013


Enjoy a finger or two!

Or how about a set of new choppers?

Brady enjoying his new Halloween workbook.

Lil Pumpkin Alix!

Celine likes her new workbook, too!

 Counting out the goods!  
Brady uses his calculator to check on his numbers!

 Celine colors her pumpkins!

Stephanie, Adam, and Aidan the cow!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Sunday, October 27, 2013


 Reveal Party Results

Rules:  Grab a cupcake and bite into it.  If there is pink 
creme inside, it's a girl.  If there is blue creme, it's a boy!

Who thinks "Little Paul-ty" would be a good name?

Pretty Mama!
Cool Dad!

Lindsey's homemade:
"The baby wanted the Halloween candy costume!"

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Aidan Shops Again!

The boy loves to help out at the store!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Cousins Hang Out!

Celine's fort at Grammy and Grampy's house.

Eli and Brady's fort at Aunt Becky and Uncle Dave's.

"Hang on, Celine!"

Where's Brady?

Eli the "tree hugger."

Eli and his buddy, Nutmeg!

"Eli and his other buddy, Celine!"

Friday, October 11, 2013

Aidan Goes to Costco!

Aidan loves to shop at Costco!

Aidan looking at the moon with Mommy! 
(In the Costco parking lot)

Sunday, October 6, 2013

"Low Lake" and "Great Blue in Field"

Lots of shoreline!

Looking for breakfast in the field!
And walking ever so slowly!

Dinner on the Dock!

 "Is there any water under that dock?"

 "Sure, I'll take a bite!"

"Mmmmm!  That sure is good!"

After dinner reading!

Who's fuzzy butt is that???